What is FormMail?

FormMail is a very useful tool that allows you to insert a form inside your website for your visitors to use to request further information.This function is available exclusively in the free static hosting, presented as "Web Space" in your client area, not inside cPanel. Personal, Devoloper, Business Hosting solutions from Register.it (NOT FREEHOST SOLUTION) includes a basic contact FormMail easy to insert into your web pages. However, you should be aware that it is not possible to use formmail from a subdomains to send the relevant form. You can use this tool to send the form from a page like www.dominio.est, but not from a page like subdomain.domain.est.
With Register.it's FormMail service, you can create the forms for requesting information by using a single program. This program can interpret instructions sent through the Form you have created and configured. You can configure FormMail through a base form, by foll owing our instructions, in order to increase the level of personalization.
FormMail, once completed by a visitor, will send the request directly to your email inbox.

2. What does the 'basic Register.it FormMail include?
Register.it's 'basic' FormMail is easy to install and allows the user the possibility to use it to send his/her Name, Last Name, Email and a text request. Its graphical aspext is as follows:

Name and Surname:

Insert FormMail

How do I insert the 'basic' FormMail into my website?
To use FormMail you must first create an .html page which will contain the Form, saving it under any name in the folder you believe is best (there are no constraints on its name or location).
Afterwards, copy and paste the following code into the HTML code of the page you have created. The 'hidden' fields, even if hidden, are fundamental for teh proper working of the Form: the recipient, for example, is the email address to which all requests will be sent to and it must be connected to the domain. For example: if you insert the form into the website www.yourdomain.com, the recipient must be an email of the type yourname@your domain.com

<form action="/cgi-bin/FormMail.pl" method="POST">
<input type=hidden name="recipient" value="tuaemail@tuodominio.it">
<input type=hidden name="subject" value="subject:">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center">
      <td><b> Name and Surname:</b></td>
      <td align="right"><input type=text name="realname"></td>
      <td align="right"><input type=text name="email"></td>
      <td colspan="2"><b>Message:</b></td>
      <td colspan="2"><textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="5"></textarea></td>
      <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="Submit" value="Send"></td>
<input type=hidden name="required" value="email,realname,message">

Working process

How do I make the Form work?
The 'basic' Register.it solution is carried out in 4 easy steps. All you need to do is edit the values highlighted in red with the data or values you believe best match your needs:

What is the message I will receive in my email inbox?
Go to the page where you have inserted your FormMail, complete it and send it. Check in your inbox whether it worked. The information on the email should be similar to the ones in this example:

- Enter your email address to which you want all requests be sent to (for example: "mariorossi@yourdomain.com");
<input type=hidden name="recipient" value="mariorossi@yourdomain.com">

- Enter the subject of the Email so that it is easy to identify the requests which arrive from your contact Form (for example: "Request for Information"); <input type=hidden name="subject" value="Request for Information">
- Enter the "name" of the text field that identifies the message body and which will be visualized in the contact email (for example: let's leave "message");
<textarea name=" message" cols="40" rows="5"></textarea>
- Enter the "name" of the fields which MUST be completed by the user during the procedure of sending the Form, separating them by a comma (for example: let's leave it as obligatory for all three fields found on the Form to be completed by the user).
<input type=hidden name="required" value="email,realname,message">


Can I further personalize my Form?
If you believe the form's fields to be insufficient or you wish to further personalize it, you can include additional fields. Remember that inserting fields into the page will require an adequate format of the text and of the tables and that all fields must be inserted within the <form> and </form> tags.

- Do you want to let the user define the subject of thecontact email?


Substitute the field <input type=hidden name="subject" value="oggetto"> with this field <input type=text name="subject">
- Do you want to insert a "redirect"to a page that thanks your visitor for having completed the form (for example: send them to "thankyou.html")?

Substitute the value with the exact URL of the page you want them to be sent to<input type=hidden name="redirect" value="http://www.tuodominio.it/ thankyou.html">

- Do you want to insert an "error" pagena which tells the user to go back and to complete all of the fields you have indicated as obligatory (for example: "error.html")?

Substitute the value with the exact URL of the page you want them to be sent to
<input type=hidden name="missing_fields_redirect" value="http://www.tuodominio.it/ error.html">

- Do you also want to view the "Name and Surname", "Email"and"Subject" in the email body in addition to viewing it onthe header?s

Enter this tag choosing the values of the fields you want to view in the email body
<input type=hidden name="print_config" value="realname,email,subject">

- Do you want to add personalized fields to receive further information on the user who sent the request?
- Field"Text" (for example: Address)


Substitute the "name" value with the name of the field you want to insert <input type=text name="address">

- Field "Select" (for example: City)


<select name="città">
<option value="Roma">Roma</option>
<option value="Milan">Milan</option>
<option value="Naple">Naple</option>

Substitute the "name" value with the name of the field you want to insert and the values of "option" with the values you intend to include in the selection adding or deleting the number of necessary <option> tags

-Field "Textarea" (for example: Notes)


Substitue the "name" value with the name of the field you want to insert
<textarea name="note" cols="40" rows="2"></textarea>

- Do you want to insert the "Delete" button to give the user the possibility to clear the field areas in case it was completed incorrectly?

Insert these Tag next to the <input type="Submit" value="Send"> value
<input type="reset" value="Cancel">

- Do you want to make the additional fields obligatory for the completion of the form?

Edit the hidden field to indicate the fields which are obligatory <input type=hidden name="requiered" value="email,realname, message,subject,address,city,notes">


End of procedure

Can I create more than one FormMail on my website?
If you wish, you can create other html pages and follow the same procedure in inserting the FormMail.
For example, you can create both a page for generic contacts and another for a specific product.

Can I use a FormMail from a subdomain?
FormMail can only be used from pages whose address is the one of the main domain, such as http://www.dominio.ext/mail.html, and cannot be used on addresses such as http://sottodominio.dominio.ext/mail.html
